This page contains our Parish Weekly Newsletter, as well as an archive of previous Parish Weekly Newsletters. If you are not on our current emailing list, please sign up below.
December 4
Carlo Acutis Parish Weekly Newsletter - Dec 4Dear Friends ...
Behold, the Lord comes to save his people;
blessed are those prepared to meet him.
Dear Friends,
Happy Wednesday everyone, we hope you're staying warm!
Congratulations Fr. Ed - Congratulations to Fr. Ed, who was officially installed as our new Pastor by Bishop Bartosic at the 8:30 a.m. School Mass today. May God Bless you as our new shepherd!
Blessed Carlo's Canonization - ICYMI ... Pope Francis has announced the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis! It will take place during the Church’s Jubilee of Teenagers April 25-27!
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th - Long Story/Short ... This is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year, so there will only be the normal 8 a.m. Daily Mass at St. Hedwig.
Advent/December Events - Please join us for one of our many events happening during the month of December as we celebrate Advent and the anticipation of Christmas.
Rosary during Advent - Monday and Thursday mornings, following the 8:00am Mass in Blessed Carlo Acutis Chapel at St. Hedwig.
Advent Potluck - Monday, December 8, 5-7 pm in the SJB Church Hall.
SJB School Christmas Concert - Tuesday, December 10 - 6 pm at St. John Berchmans
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration - December 3-12. All events will take place at St. Hedwig.
Christmas Concerts - Saturday, December 14th, 6 pm at St. Hedwig; Sunday December 15th, 2 pm at St John Berchmans.
Simbang Gabi - A Traditional Filipino Advent Mass, Saturday, December 21, 5 pm at St. Hedwig
Gift Cards for Good - Once again we are collecting Gift Cards for families in need.
Early Bulletin Deadlines - As we get closer to the holidays, just a reminder, that we will have MANY EARLY Bulletin deadlines. So if you were thinking about putting in a Mass intention or two, please do it NOW or else it may not make it in the printed bulletin of your choice.
Food is needed - Food and Supplies are ALWAYS needed, please see the list below for more info on our needs.
Pope Francis Monthly Intention for DECEMBER -
For pilgrims of hope
We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.
Sunday Collection & Monthly Summary - The Sunday Collection & Monthly Summary will now be posted here in the newsletter and Sunday Bulletin. Thank you for your generosity in helping support the mission of the Parish.
Prayers for the Sick - Both in the Sunday Bulletin, and here in the Weekly Newsletter, we list the names of those who are in sick and in need of our prayers. These people are remembered each week as part of the Universal Prayer/Petitions. If you would like to add you someone's name to the sick list, please email or call the Parish Office. Please also email/call us when it's OK to remove them from the sick list as this helps to ensure our list is up to date.
Online Book of Intentions - Praying for each other's intentions is an important part of our parish life. Did you know that each Sunday at Mass, during the Universal Prayer/Petitions, we pray for those who have listed their intentions in our "Online Book of Intentions"?
Daily Mass & Devotions - For the full list of Mass times and Devotions, please see the schedule below.
Parish Forms on the Website - Did you know that many of our forms and requests are on our website? Inquiring about a Baptism ... Need a copy of your Baptismal Certificate ... Want to schedule your wedding? It's all on our website! Simply fill out the form and we'll get back to you.
We hope to see you at one of the Masses this weekend, and don't forget to bring a friend or two!!
God Bless, see you in Church!
Michael White, Director of Music and Liturgy AND the Weekly Newsletter Editor
Blessed Carlo Acutis Parish Mission Statement
We are a multicultural, intergenerational Catholic parish community of people who through the help of the Eucharist, are on the journey to learning about, celebrating, serving and proclaiming our faith in the Risen Jesus.
Vision Statement
Our vision is transforming spirits, hearts and minds.
Core Values
We are welcoming, learning, believing, serving, celebrating,
understanding, sharing, diverse, community and focused on quality.
1). To have vibrant, welcoming liturgies.
2). To be an evangelizing community.
3). To reach out to youth.
4). To provide social justice education and outreach to the poor.
The Chapel at St. Hedwig will be open for Eucharistic Adoration Monday through Saturday from 7 am to 7 pm, with Daily Mass at 8 am. (Except for all Wednesday morning Masses, which are held at 8:30am at St. John Berchmans.)
To gain access to the chapel, please contact the office for an access code.
Fr. Ed leads us in the Profession of Faith, and takes the Oath of Fidelity with Bishop Bartosic at today's School Mass.
ICYMI ... Pope Francis announces 2025 canonizations for Carlo Acutis, Pier Giorgio Frassati during Jubilee celebrations
Pope Francis announced Wednesday that Blessed Carlo Acutis and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, two young Catholics beloved for their vibrant faith and witness to holiness, will be canonized during two major Jubilee celebrations dedicated to young people.
The surprise announcement came at the conclusion of the pope’s weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square as Francis celebrated World Children’s Day.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni later confirmed that Carlo Acutis’ canonization will occur during the Church’s Jubilee of Teenagers taking place April 25-27, and Pier Giorgio Frassati’s canonization will take place during the Jubilee of Youth from July 28 to August 3.
According to the Diocese of Assisi, Acutis’ canonization Mass is expected to take place on Sunday, April 27, at 10:30 a.m. local time in St. Peter’s Square.
Both soon-to-be saints are beloved by many Catholic young people for their enthusiastic pursuit of holiness. The two canonizations are expected to bring many young people to the Eternal City in 2025 for the Catholic Church’s Jubilee of Hope.
Are you looking for new ideas of how to celebrate Advent in your family?
Join the SJB School and Blessed Carlo Acutis faith community to celebrate the 2nd Sunday of Advent on December 8 from 5:00 - 7:00 in the SJB Church Hall. There will be family friendly Advent activities and meaningful conversation! Please bring a dish to share that is traditional to your family and be ready to share about any special Advent traditions. All are welcome! Questions or interested in helping? Contact Joyana Dvorak at [email protected] or 773-213-3163.
The Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary are indissolubly joined, and when we receive Communion, we come into direct contact with Our Lady and the saints in heaven.
God is extremely pleased by the souls that approach the great gifts of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confession.
BCAP - Weekly Mass
Sacraments and Devotional Schedule
Sunday Mass
Saturday, 5:00 p.m. – English (SH)
Sunday, 8:30 a.m. – Polish (SH)
9:30 a.m. – English (SJB)
11:00 a.m. – English (SH)
12:30 p.m. – Spanish (SJB) May 1 - October 31 12:30 p.m. - Spanish (SH) November 1 - April 30
Daily Mass
8:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday; Thursday - Saturday
8:30 a.m. Wednesday - St. John Berchmans Church*The following are all celebrated at St. Hedwig Church*
Eucharistic Adoration
7 a.m. - 7 p.m. – Monday through Saturday (Please call the office for an access code to gain entry to the Adoration Chapel.)
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
After the 8 a.m. Mass on the First Friday of the Month.
Novena to St. Peregrine Novena to the patron saint for persons suffering from cancer,
AIDS or other chronic illnesses.
8:30 a.m.– 8:45 a.m. – First Friday of the Month
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays at 4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
8:30 a.m.– 8:45 a.m. – Tuesday
Circulo de Oracion - (En Español)
Reflection, Prayer and Singing / Reflexión, Oración y Canto
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Friday
Litany of the Sacred Heart
8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. – Second Friday of the Month
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. – Saturday
DOLMA – Rosary and Our Lady of Manaoag Novena
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. – First Saturday of the Month
Pope Francis is cautioning people not to get accustomed to the war in Ukraine, and is calling for the faithful to keep those suffering "this tragic reality" in our hearts and prayers. "The thought of the people of Ukraine, afflicted by war, should remain vivid in our hearts." Please continue to pray for them.
Online Book of Intentions
Praying for each other's intentions is an important part of our parish life. If you would like the parish to pray for your intention, please write the intention in a sentence or two in this Online "Book of Intentions." These intentions will be remembered in our intercessions at our Sunday masses. Click HERE
Please pray for the Sick of our Parish
Helen Jendricks, Lori Turner Alfirevich, Maria and Jose Garcia, Ben Leo, Ligia G. Galvan de la Cruz, Sergio Torres, Genaro Cortes, Antonio Alcantara, Lukas Fitzpatrick, Ryan Krug, Fr. Paul Reicher, Rachel Mauricio Elizar, Charlene Herda, Karel O’Brien, Angela Rivera, Mary Anne Sedey, Linda Klickmann, Barbara Durbin, Danny Olivero, Junior Burgos, Dolores Kryszak, Joseph Price, Teresa Ellison, Tallulah Andresen, Robert Bauer, Ana Flores, Apolonio Alarcon, Antonio de Vera, Patricio A. Yanez Guerra, Manglio Bonilla Gail, Jason & Family, Daniel Brady, Cyndi De Lira, Carolyn S. Duckunue, Transito Alvarez, Frances Alequin, Alejandro Carmona, Sophie Hernan, Eleanor Jura, Monika Kloniecka, Joseph Wyse, Verena Tonnesen, Berenice Sosnowski, Nick Jurado, Jackie Schuman, Terry Brady, Salomea Olszewska, Angie Schuman, John Graff, Joseph Murphy, Linda Riske, Margaret Flisiak, Jazzmyne Aguilar, Hailey Marose, Sarah Ellison, Nancy Idaszak, Sally Cox, Eleanor Rylko, Nancy, Brian, Jimmy Denges, & Crystal Mohetano.
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